This short story was written in a competition that was held at MCity, Infosys in April 2007.
The Stranger
For him.
Little did he know about the stranger who would be calling him within the next 15 minutes. He sat unblinking on the couch staring at his home phone with an heart pounding more than 72 times a minute and thoughts racing from ‘Steven Spielberg’ to a ‘Porsche’.
Twenty-two years of his life he had scampered from cinema halls to DVD complexes plunging to watch the movies he had yearned for. He remembered every instance of his participation in Ad-Zaps, Skits, Cultural events which shot his creative nerves to exciting levels. A science student by education, an engineer by profession, he had forever wondered how his passion was going to define the future. “Love for Cinema” was what he had sustained and realized only within himself. Long Shot – he saw his retiring father smiling with tears at his engineering degree.
The Phone Rang.
“Hello”, he said.
“Am I speaking to Mr.Sridhar?” asked the stranger.
“Yes, Sridhar here”, he replied.
“Thanks a lot, Sir”, he said and placed the receiver down.
No emotions crossed his body as he slowly sat down on the couch. ‘Steven Spielberg’ waving his hands in farewell flashed across his eyes and tears trickled down them. He thought about his parents. The Job would make them happy. He would be able to make merry and party more with his friends. The whole world would start seeming to get so close but he knew – he was always going to be a stranger to himself.